Auto Defect Cases
Texas Auto Defect Attorney by Your Side
Every year, thousands of Americans are seriously injured or killed in automobile accidents resulting from defective or faulty parts and tires. If this has happened to you, or someone you know, it is highly advised that you obtain the services of a skilled Texas injury lawyer with experience in investigating, preparing and trying auto defect cases. At The J. Guerra Law Firm, we possess the diligence and fortitude to represent clients who have been hurt, no matter how minor or extensive the injuries and damage may be.
An injury accident of this nature can leave victims and families confused and unsure what to do afterward. We advise clients to hire an attorney as soon as possible as there can be investigatory work needed in order to prove that there was indeed a defect.
Obtain Competent Legal Representation as Soon as Possible
Auto defect accidents can cause many negative consequences for victims and families like extensive medical and surgical bills, ambulance and other transportation costs, damages and lost wages. Having knowledgeable and experienced representation can make an enormous difference in the outcome of your case. Knowing your legal rights and what types of claims to file, as well as having litigation experience, should your case go to court, is in your best interest for the most desirable result.
We recommend that clients do not answer questions about their accident, or accept any type of settlements from insurance companies, without consulting a lawyer first. When we represent your case, we can help you figure out what a fair and reasonable settlement may be after reviewing all of the facts and details so that you aren't left struggling with financial burdens. Accepting money could diminish your chances of getting further compensation, and typically what is offered, isn't enough to cover all of the costs incurred from an accident.
If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident involving an automobile with defects, Contact a Texas auto defects attorney now for aggressive legal representation and advice.