Swimming Pool Drain Accidents
Texas Pool Accident Attorney
Many people are not aware of the negative effects that defective pool drains can have until it is too late. Pool drains can be a serious hazard to adults and children. A pool drain has a vacuum effect and when the cover is off of the drain, a child can be held down by the force and drowned. A Texas drowning accident attorney should be contacted immediately if your child has been the victim of a tragic pool accident. An attorney can help you recover the damages you are due for this traumatic accident.
About Pool Drain Accidents
When pool drains are not effectively covered, the force of the vacuum can be extremely hazardous. An individual may be sucked under the surface and unable to free him or herself. Children are at a much higher risk due to the fact that their bodies weigh much less than adult bodies and therefore it is easier for the force of the drain to keep them under water. If the accident takes place at a public pool, the operator could be held responsible for negligence. If the child was at a private residence when the accident occurred, the pool owner may be held accountable for damages. It is important to address these legal aspects of your case even though it may be difficult at this time. We understand the shock and emotional pain you are going through and have helped many grieving families through this process to their benefit. Although compensation may seem unimportant to you at this time, you would not want to deal with financial issues in the future because it may cause even more strain on your family.
Jesse E. Guerra Jr. has helped countless clients that have had to endure the pain and suffering of a pool death or injury. We can start helping you today if you call our firm immediately. Fighting for your rights and for the future safety of others is our passion and mission throughout our years in practice.
Contact a Texas pool drowning accident lawyer today if a pool drain has injured your child.