Summer Camp Drowning
About Summer Camp Drownings
Summer camp is a valuable experience for millions of children each year. They make new friends, learn new skills and return home with a new found appreciation for the natural world in which we live. Parents are proud of providing this experience for their children. How tragic to have these high hopes end in a drowning or other serious injury. When this happens it is vital that the family consult a Texas drowning accident attorney for assistance. A serious injury may leave a child in need of medical care for an extended period of time. In the case of near drowning the need for medical support and supervision could be long-term. In the most tragic of circumstances the child might be so seriously injured that his or her future is forever changed or the child passes away.
Drowning Statistics in Texas
- According to research conducted by the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services (DFPS), there were 36 fatal drownings in 2018 related to neglect, or failure to watch the child while they were interacting with water.
- Studies conducted for 2016 showed that Texas had experienced more fatal drownings for children under the age of 15 than any other state in the U.S. (with the exception of Florida).
- In 2016 there were 40 reported drownings in the state of Texas.
Summer Camp Swimming Safety Tips
It is imperative for parents to ensure that their children are adequately prepared when sending them off to summer camp. Oftentimes activities will revolve around water play and swimming. By teaching your children to follow these swimming safety tips, you can help prevent the likelihood of drowning:
- Never allow your child to swim unless the pool or body of water is supervised by an adult who is giving them their full attention.
- Teach your children how to swim at an early age. This is an invaluable skill and may save their life someday.
- If your child will be swimming in a pool, teach them how to exit the pool without using a ladder.
- Teach your child the difference between swimming in a pool, versus swimming in open water with currents and uneven surfaces.
- If you do not already know basic CPR and water rescue, take classes so that you are prepared in case of an emergency.
Consequences of Near Drowning
When severe brain damage has been suffered a child could require long term medical care or lifelong nursing care. In these cases legal action becomes a vital necessity as the financial damages will be enormous. A summer camp drowning lawyer at our firm will file a legal claim for the family and the victim which encompasses all injury and losses. Our legal team is committed to providing assistance to individuals and their families who have suffered devastating accidents. Effective legal action can provide the family with the resources to provide the specialized care which is so necessary.
Contact a Texas drowning accident lawyer at our firm who is dedicated to protecting the rights of those injured in serious accidents.