Spa and Hot Tub Accidents
Texas Hot Tub Accident Attorney
Spas and hot tubs may be installed in private homes, hotels, condos and apartments. Sadly, many tragic accidents can and do occur when a hot tub or spa is not properly maintained or in some cases supervised. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a spa or hot tub accident, you need to speak with a Texas drowning accident attorney immediately.
Our firm has helped many families in water related accidents pursue compensation and justice. We handle more drowning accidents ever year than any other firm in Texas and have a passion for helping families that have been traumatically impacted by the loss or injury of a loved one in a water-related accident. It is crucial to do everything you can to supply your family with the compensation they may need to endure this difficult time. In addition, bringing your case to an attorney may prevent others from having to endure the same tragedy.
Hot Tub Accident Lawyer in Texas
There have been some cases of hot tub or spa accidents that involve elderly individuals that were injured or killed due to a defect in the spa or hot tub. Many hot tub accidents could have been avoided if supervision was available. In many cases, it is required and not having it is considered negligence. This is especially true in cases that involve children or seniors. If the victim survives the spa or hot tub accident, it is often not without serious brain damage. Brain damage is difficult and expensive to treat. The rehabilitation period may last a lifetime and the individual may never return to his or her former condition. In some cases, the individual loses his or her mental faculties or ability to walk or use his or her body. In such a case, our firm will fight for your fair compensation.
If you file a claim against the negligent company or individual, you could recover the compensation you are due and may also prevent any further accidents and deaths.
Contact a Texas hot tub accident lawyer from the firm if your loved one has been injured or killed in a hot tub or spa.